5/17/17 Kate scored in her soccer game! (just to let you know my life was normal)
My world ❤️ "Where there is a Wil there is a way" #cancersucks #leukemia (pm me for details cause there ain't no good way to tell this story
Blessed with amazing women in my life, none more than these two whom I get to call sisters ❤️ #cancersucks Sara Ryan Amy Selter
No need to worry about the next generation, they're pretty fabulous already. #friends #gang #strengthinnumbers
5/17/17 Kate scored in her soccer game! (just to let you know my life was normal)
My world ❤️ "Where there is a Wil there is a way" #cancersucks #leukemia (pm me for details cause there ain't no good way to tell this story

Blessed with amazing women in my life, none more than these two whom I get to call sisters ❤️ #cancersucks Sara Ryan Amy Selter
No need to worry about the next generation, they're pretty fabulous already. #friends #gang #strengthinnumbers
Wil, Chris, Kristen, Kate, and I am overwhelmed with the love and support from family, friends, Lindbergh, and our Soccer family, as well as total strangers. Brandi Lea is an amazing bff and the kindest person you could ever meet and she knows how deep my love for her runs. For everyone else, as my sisters say, "no words, just all the feels" Our learning curve is steep and we know there will be good days and bad. I hope everyone knows that when they say you can "feel" the power of the community lifting you up, it is so true. Much luv - T
Never thought I would be so happy to see a bag of platelets! If you can donate platelets I know many parents out there would be forever in your debt. Many many blessings for the people who donated so Wil could have multiple bags, you have no idea how much I love you right now. Link below for FAQ
Wil is home, he had two bags of platelets today and is still bleeding but he has enough hemoglobin to go home. He needed the mental break. We will go back Friday morning for outpatient procedures. Thanks for the prayers and the visits! As always message or text me, I'll answer when I can.
Day 9, today went as well as can be expected after a night of puking. He has the best doctors and nurses, that he teases endlessly
😂 you can always count on Wil to make everyone smile. Thank you for the continual support. For you nerdy types his white blood count was normal, platelets were 14 (yikes, they gave him a bag), they did a spinal infusion with chemo, and 2 chemo treatments one before and one after the procedure. Message/text me if u want more details I'm learning too! ~T

It's hard to keep up with the thank yous ... but I have to try... Tony Jerger much love for leaving cardinals game to help, Rob Morton , Brad Macko , Erica Hoffman, Karli Sewell & Leila Lichtenstein... so many #prayerwarriors#wegotthis

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