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Sunday, May 28 is an ok day :)

Today was an ok day. And in Wil terms that is better than a bad day!

Many thanks to Brandi for starting this blog. I am going to try to copy and paste some things from facebook, but I will still post there. Here is probably where you will come to read way too much from Brandi and I (or my sisters when they are able).

Today he ate well and only has indigestion. He is down 22 pounds so we are trying to get him to eat, but he gets full quickly.

He has downloaded minecraft and has been schooling Brandi on the art of minecraft, from blue sheep to digging for diamonds. It has been a great distraction.

Grandma & Grandpa Ohler and Uncle Colin came to visit today. Wil was able to sit up for about 5 minutes with his mask on and visit. Chris had a long visit with them last night and they sat on the patio visiting all afternoon. Ava's cousin also came by to visit.

We are strictly limiting the visitors in the house as his white blood cells are falling now.

John Ackfeld, Joe, & Bradley came for a visit also and Wil was able to sit on the front porch with his mask on and visit. He is actually napping now so I thought I better figure this blog out before I get too far behind.

Wil's vision is still not back to normal and he is complaining of a lot of back pain. The chemo especially makes his leg bones and joints ache.

He has been keeping his sense of humor for the most part, but get frustrated easily. The steroids he is taking sometimes get the best of him, but for the most part he has been calm today.

FACEBOOK post today: 5/28/17
Wil had an ok day today and in our new reality that is so much better than a bad day. Grandma & Grandpa Ohler came in from KC and Uncle Colin from China. Wil sat up with them and visited a bit. He is wearing his mask all the time now as his white blood cell count is dropping (and mom is trying to not freak out). He still loves visitors just only for a few minutes at a time. He is weak and in pain but really had an ok day. He schooled Brandi on Xbox minecraft ðŸ˜‚ Brandi Lea is still being my rock. Mary Roderick Tomac and Joe have Chris out again tonight so glad they came in, it's the most he has smiled in 11 days. Elizabeth Floerchinger is an angel for hooking me up with Kristen's end of school/got a real job present. Lisa Cunningham-Herring is still one of my bffs ðŸ˜˜ Becky Brickson Austermann for letting me have a timeout at her house ... and I can not even say how many soccer moms I absolutely worship this weekend for keeping Wil present with them at the out of town soccer games Sarah Pettus Dement Tammy Knarr DeWeese Lori Murphy Kim O'Laughlin Miller Laura Riegel Phyllis Castleberry AckfeldDebbie Fritsche Gina Donlin Becky Reid Fitzgerald Jill Brouwer PowellGeerlings Quinns Reisers Skordos and all my LF family. The phone calls and messages from friends and neighbors are amazing, I can't list them all but please know that you reaching out to us gives us strength. Wil also received two cards in the mail from teachers that had him actually cracking a smile (yeah checking the mail is a chore opps). And Wil received this (see pics) in the mail from a USL goalie that got a genuine smile out of him. Thanks for keeping us strong. #togetherwegotthis


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