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Kinder than necessary 6/16/17

"Be kinder than necessary"... always been relevant for me as a teacher and a mom. On the steps outside my classroom it says "throw kindness around like confetti." Every Monday at school I text my 3 kiddos, "Remember Mondays suck for everyone, be the reason someone smiles today." I can not tell you how kind people have been to my son and my family the past four weeks.
Family- not everyone has a family as supportive and kick@ss as mine. Hug your loved ones and tell them you love them more than you think is necessary!
Friends-oh my goodness I can not even say thank you enough... from Lysol wipes, hand soap, & laundry detergent to meals, chores, & things I didn't even know I needed until they just showed up and did them WOW! Kristen's Lindbergh "FAM" who showered her with love and Wil's "gang" and their shirts 👍🏼... Kate's bf and friends who have taken her in ... I'm not kidding about the next generation, they are awesome! #wilswarriors Diana BirasAngela L. Prigmore Nick R. Pacino Molly Dooley Kathy Schmidt Feltenstein @doubledpizzeria Cheryl Doerr & IL Fam 😘
New Cancer friends-those that have "been there done that" from help with fundraising/tax info (good and bad sites I'm learning ugh) and insurance fights (grrrr that's another post) to medical info (yes I feel I have earned my pharmacy degree as well as on my way to some sort of medical degree to moral support and guidance (cancer does not define your life, even though it tries-I'm learning- but still overprotective). Every cancer is different but it is good to know that you are not alone, especially on the days it feels like it.
And total strangers who have sent a note of encouragement! A student who gave up her birthday gifts to gather gift cards for Wil! As well as the awesome Lou Fusz soccer girls pictured below, who sold "leukemia sucks lollipops" for Wil. 😂
We are blessed in ways we never could have imagined and we can not wait to pay it forward. Love only multiplies.
Wil is hanging in there. He is learning to deal with the new normal for his body. Going from a 6 day a week workout athlete to a wheelchair is brutal. He knows many athletes who suffer injuries work hard to get back, so he is focused on when he can start doing the work, but knows he needs to rest and let his body fight & heal for now. He has lost almost 30 pound which we know is muscle. Mentally he has ups and downs (we both are doing much better than we were a few weeks ago), but he is fighting hard to keep a positive outlook, maintain his sense of humor, keeping his mind active (or distracted-yup he has already mastered a few video games) and he is back on the pokemon go bandwagon!
Friday he will be at the cancer clinic in the morning and then at the hospital for surgery. He will be having a spinal infusion (they will test his spinal fluid for leukemia cells and then infuse chemo into his spine). Then they will do his bone marrow extraction from his hip to see if the chemo is working on his bone marrow as well as to run further tests to determine his medical treatment plan.
Thank you for the virtual (((hugs))), positive vibes, and prayers! I appreciate you going on this journey with us, much luv...T


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