Although winning games is just icing on the cake. I know it was important for his teammates.
This is the first goal Wil saw his team score since he was diagnosed. He almost jumped out of the car with excitement. Thank you for capturing the moment! Much love for these boys! #cancersucks
This is the first goal Wil saw his team score since he was diagnosed. He almost jumped out of the car with excitement. Thank you for capturing the moment! Much love for these boys! #cancersucks
Wil did not have the best morning but he really wanted to see "the boys." Ohler worked hard to get a mattress and the wheelchair in the car. Wil was not feeling so good, so we arrived a little after halftime. He was hoping to sit up in the wheeelchair for a bit, but that didn't work out so Ohler backed the car up to the field. Wil said, "wow look at all the people in orange." (If anyone has a crowd pic plz send, so sad I didn't think of it) It was fun to sit and listen to Wil narrate the game, he knows these boys very very well
😂. When he watched Mitchell finish and score Wil started pounding on the window and then when Mitchell came right over and pointed at Wil, he opened to door to give Mitchell and the boys a "fist pump" in the air! Wil has been playing with these boys for a long time and the families are the best. We have so many crazy out of town stories (and that's just the parents
😂). Coach David Geerlingand Coach Michael Skordos are great role models on toughness, discipline, and kindness. They balance each other out most days
😃. And I won't let everyone know that Coach Dave is really just a lovable softy with a huge heart, cause that might tarnish his bad-boy image.

Wil then went on to have an ok night. No puking and lots of happy chatter about the game and what the boys need to do next. He slept 5 straight hours and then another 3 and woke up in a great mood. Thanks for the lift soccer family. We love you so much!
Edit I put in comments but should go here!
And when I say SOCCER Community, I mean EVERYONE. Lou Fusz Club, LF Pike boys, Scott Gallagher teammates who came over to say hi to Wil, Lindbergh, CBC , Vianney soccer friends, even lots of St Paul soccer family! The soccer community is amazing! STLFC goalie tweeted at Wil and so many other USL, MSL, and USMNT goalies reaching out to him. The soccer community is a very special group of people whom we are lucky to call family
Edit I put in comments but should go here!
And when I say SOCCER Community, I mean EVERYONE. Lou Fusz Club, LF Pike boys, Scott Gallagher teammates who came over to say hi to Wil, Lindbergh, CBC , Vianney soccer friends, even lots of St Paul soccer family! The soccer community is amazing! STLFC goalie tweeted at Wil and so many other USL, MSL, and USMNT goalies reaching out to him. The soccer community is a very special group of people whom we are lucky to call family

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