The first thing I do when I open my eyes is panic and think, "is Wil still breathing?" Of course this is no way to live. Thankful that Wil is stronger than me and he knows it is important to have a life when he can while he is fighting this awful disease. Things don't always work out the way we plan, but I can hear his voice telling me, "come on mom, we have to try."
Anyone who knows my family knows we LOVE the 4th of July. Yes we are a big military family and love our country, many, many family members, including Wil's dad, have served in the military protecting our freedoms. So the 4th for us has always meant family and fun! My Aunt Vic was up before the sun and secured us a good spot for the parade with a place for shade and close enough to the car so Wil can take breaks and lay down. She does this every year so the little ones always have a close potty and a great viewing spot! We are missing tons of family this year so many pictures and videos were sent.
And as always #mamabears I take my bag with meds, disinfecting wipes, masks, gloves, germx, sunscreen, umbrellas, water, ice,he doesn't touch anything and people don't touch him, etc. It is frightening to think that he could easily be hospitalized from germs, but we know how important it is to get out also! Wil's team of doctors encourage outside trips when his numbers are good, they know patients need to remember the life they are fighting so hard to get back to!
We hope you enjoy your freedoms this 4th of July. Wil is showing me every day that even though there is no cure for leukemia he can fight and enjoy his freedom when he can. He will beat this disease into remission #wegotthis
Much luv to all! Thankful for anyone who is kind today and pays it forward, especially blood and platelet donors are #wilswarriors Tammy Gottschalk , Paul Schon , Matt family, Crane family, Ackland family, and to Wil's awesome friends Payton, Drew, & Will for sitting with him and making him laugh

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