8/3/17 Please take a moment to send peace, love, energy, prayers, strength, zen... whatever u have to my dear Mommy friend Erin Drexler . I have been struggling with words to express the depth of my heartache for her as she takes her little Leo home to love and comfort. Erin was one of the first cancer moms to give me support, her Leo has t-cell ALL just like Wil. She is a wealth of knowledge but more important a constant presence who understands the horror of this awful disease that is now taking her baby boy from her. Please take a moment and lift her up as she goes through these final days with her son, Leo 😍 I love you Erin. #teamleo
8/4/17 Erin Drexler said her final goodbye to her son Leo this morning. There is nothing anyone can say or do. Please honor her heartache by extending kindness to everyone you meet today. #teamleo #cancersucks
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