Well ... I was working on a happy post... I was going to say what a great 3 days Wil has had. I was going to say he was able to hang out with friends. I was going to say he saw his soccer team on Friday and it went better than we expected. I was going to say we agreed to go try school for a few hours a day this fall. I was even going to throw in a little gripe about pharmacies and the costs and running around trying to find someone who has chemo pills in stock.
But... now I'm going to post that Wil had a reaction to the chemo meds today and went into anaphylactic shock. His eyes and throat swelled shut, he could hear us yelling but couldn't breathe or see. And he was in so much pain. It was the fastest and biggest swelling of lips, nose, eyes that I have ever seen, even in pictures. The nurses reacted quickly to my calls, the epi pen worked, and the doctor came. I won't throw in the gray skin, vomiting, & diarrhea. I'll just say it was a horrible, scary day and my heart rate may never return to normal. Prayers and strength vibes appreciated.
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