Life's struggles... everyone has them, some little, some big. And of course there are the ones that fall in between.
Wil's high school football team lost last night. My heart hurts a little for them, their record is 7-1, but I'm sure they're not thinking about the seven wins...
We have all been there, Wil too. He has cried all the way home from more than one out of town soccer tournament. Doesn't matter that he has two state championships, a regional champion, and more soccer medals than he can count....what matters is the current situation.
I'm sure there is some great analogy that I should be extrapolating from these musing as it relates to Wil's struggle with cancer... but for now it escapes me.
Thing is I'll keep pondering... because the sun will come up tomorrow and another game looms on the horizon.
For everyone who is dealing with their own life struggles, little or big (((hugs))) and thanks for being on our give us hope for tomorrow
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