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Showing posts from November, 2017

Surgery #15

Monday He is out of surgery and awake! His drainage tubes were removed successfully and spinal fluid appears clear. He received chemo in his spine and his 3 chemo shots while he was under. Now waiting on two more IV chemos. He will go home attached to a pump with fluids for next 24 hours. Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts. Hopefully the next 24 hours will pass without incident (everyone knock on wood).

6 months cancerversary 5/18/17

6 months... how can I have been a cancer mom for HALF a year? Most days it still feels like I am standing on a rocky shore with waves beating me down, scraping and bruising my body while I desperately try to stand and take a breath of air before the next wave hits. But there are days it feels like that beautiful beach with the gentle waves where I still get to look out at my beautiful boy snorkeling with his long wet hair and I'm so blessed that I get to see him look up and f lash me a lucky he is still here. These past 6 months I've been so fortunate to be Wil's comforter, caregiver, encourager, and his biggest fan! Wil shows me every day what it means to be a true warrior. Through every imaginable physical pain and mental anguish he pushes through with grace. Even when his voice clearly tells us he is not "fine" he comforts all of us. He goes out of his way to make sure his sisters are ok, often scolding me for sharing bad news with them as he n...

Hair loss round 2

Been a rough week for Wil with a lot of pain and little sleep. Still soaking in the tub lots to keep his drains clean and yesterday his hair decided to start failing out again. The house is covered in little black hairs. Last time it came out in chunks now he is just shedding. About 30 more days of this rough phase of chemo. #cancersucks

Ride 4 a Reason

Post from Ride for a Reason: Just another example why we on the board, Riding for a Reason , work so hard so we can give back.. Wil O is fighting Leukemia for the past 7 months, thanks for allowing us to be a part of your journey.. continue to fight and positive vibes coming your way ....and of course a BIG THANK YOU to our supporters because we wouldn’t be here without you

Fashion Show - Friends of Kids with Cancer Fundraiser

Thankful for   Friends of Kids With Cancer   for giving Wil a fun filled night! As Wil said in his speech, "Even though we may be battling cancer, we want you to remember that life is lived going forward, not in the past. It is about your attitude, not your circumstances. No matter what the days may bring, hang on to love, laughter, and hope." So grateful for family and friends who surround us with all three as well as donated sooo much!   Sara Ryan   Diane Layton Hauschild   Kristine Michelle   Kristen Josephine   Kate Ohler   Chris Ohler   Andi Bates   Vicki Siering   Samie Peckinpaugh   Cori Rochelle   Brandi Lea   Maureen Enright Berosky   Jennifer Syrett   ❤️   # familygamestrong


GODMOTHER : “Needle-phobic Godmother posts makeup-free selfie on social media to encourage platelet donation.” This is how much I love Wil.  😂 Donate platelets, folks. They save cancer patients’ lives. COUSIN: If anyone follows the St Louis Blues, and Arianna...or the Fight like Arianna story, this is the reply I received from her page when I posted about the importance of donating platelets... "Just to give you an idea Arianna has had a platelet transfusion every day we have been here......please consister paying it forward and donating in Ariannas honor"... I'm scheduled for Wednesday in Her, my cousin Wil, my Mom, and everyone else battling this horrible disease