6 months... how can I have been a cancer mom for HALF a year? Most days it still feels like I am standing on a rocky shore with waves beating me down, scraping and bruising my body while I desperately try to stand and take a breath of air before the next wave hits. But there are days it feels like that beautiful beach with the gentle waves where I still get to look out at my beautiful boy snorkeling with his long wet hair and I'm so blessed that I get to see him look up and flash me a smile...so lucky he is still here.
These past 6 months I've been so fortunate to be Wil's comforter, caregiver, encourager, and his biggest fan! Wil shows me every day what it means to be a true warrior. Through every imaginable physical pain and mental anguish he pushes through with grace. Even when his voice clearly tells us he is not "fine" he comforts all of us. He goes out of his way to make sure his sisters are ok, often scolding me for sharing bad news with them as he never wants them to worry. And he is irrationally excited when they are home, screaming their names and begging them to come to him. It makes my mama heart burst
❤️. Wil always lives life WIDE OPEN and he shows us that family, friends, love and laughter are the only things that are worthwhile.

As always we are so blessed. My mom living with us the past 3 months, beautiful extended family who listen to me ramble about all my fears and frustrations without judgement, friends that come through for us with meals and gift cards to make the cancer clinic days less dreary, and strangers who when you are at the bottom show up like miracles on your door step with overly generous gifts that confirm your belief in the goodness of humanity.
I have a beautiful online support group that is always there to listen about all of it, every tiny minuscule detail (other cancer parents never tire of talking about cancer
💔) as well as make me feel needed when new people join so I can help educate and support them on their leukemia journey.

I also work with and for the most kind and compassionate group of educators and students. Teachers who check on Wil and my students' parents who email daily and still show up with tide and hand soap and yummy deserts! Teachers and my gifted kiddos have the biggest hearts and compassion.
I am so grateful for everyone's love and support the past 6 months.
Moms and dads... hug your babies a little tighter, whether they are little or big. ENJOY this holiday season. We are ALL blessed to experience life together, even when the nights are short and the days seem long, nothing is better than family!

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