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Cardinals Fantasy Camp 2018

"Sports is all I've known." - Wil Ohler
Cardinals Fantasy Camp 2018

I will never be able to truly explain what this trip meant to me, but I do know what Wil misses most of all about soccer is the relationships. He is a very talented, competitive athlete who was/is wide open on most occasions. He loves everything about sports and soccer in particular. He has more random sports stats and facts in his head than should really be possible. But what he misses the most is the bonding (laughing, jaw jacking, rough housing, inside jokes, etc) that happens when you are part of a team. He just didn't really know it until it was gone and he got to have a small bit of that back on this trip. I will be forever grateful to Dr Rob and the Cardinals, every former Cardinals legend in attendance and every camper who attended who ALL took time to give Wil words of encouragement (as well as donate lots of money for research for teenage Leukemia).

A few things about traveling with a cancer is like traveling with a sick infant. You are never gonna remember everything and stuff IS going to go wrong, but the good moments will always, always outshine the bad. I wish with every ounce of my being that this trip was one that Wil never got to take until he was 60 and his family was able to give it to him for a birthday surprise, but we all know #cancersucks and I am thankful for the blessing that have come his way despite the horrible reason why. He was very sick the first 2 days and then a bit better but still had a hard time with headaches and lots of leg pain. He did take breaks and one day I did have to put him in the car to drive him around so he could sleep, but he didn't want to miss out on anything. So between the meds and the adrenaline, he made some great memories.

If you want the whole story you are going to have to come and visit and see his album!

He smiled and laughed the whole time and took everything in.

Tyler Greene was the nicest guy. He let Wil wear his World Series ring on several occasions and encouraged Wil every chance he got. 

Rick Ankiel and Jake Westbrook so encouraging. 

Joe Pfiffer the camp director and all around great guy who shared his story and inspires Wil to continue to share his story. 

Willie McGee probably the most genuine man who shared many personal stories of heart and courage with Wil. 
Ozzie Smith who did everything possible to make Wil feel like one of the guys. The man is wicked talented.

Wil spent a lot of time watching baseball, just hanging out in the dugout with campers and the 24 Cardinal Legends who were in attendance. He received so many blessings and stories of encouragement. There really are wonderful men in this world who shared their lives with him. We are grateful to every camper who shared their experiences with Wil. 

Willie McGee.
Brian Jordan who went out of his way to make Wil feel included and so motivational from an athletes point of view. 

Bruce Sutter, Wil's dinner seat mate and all around great guy who was just so inspirational and encouraging to Wil. Wil and he spent a lot of time together "managing" and talking baseball.

Whitey Herzog who shared great stories! This man knows his baseball stuff, even if he did get us lost on the golf cart! 

Like I said you will have to come visit in person to hear all the stories. It was a powerful weekend. SO many great Cardinals who were involved with Wil on a personal level Rick Horton (great leadership), Dave LaPoint (had Wil laughing the whole time), Bo Hart, Tom Henke, Al Hrabosky, Jason Isringhausen, Ray Lankford, Cliff Polittte, Gene Roof, Bob Tewksbury, Bobby Tolan, Todd Worrell, Gary Bennett, Scott Cooper, Josh Kinney, Jason Marquis, Scott Terry, Brad Thompson, & Kyle McClellan ...each and every one of them Wil could tell you a story about. 

I could NOT be more proud of Wil as he shared his story and talked about raising awareness of teenage cancer as well as funding. His motivational line from his speech that was repeated again and again back to me from players and campers was "Sports is all I've known..." until cancer. 


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