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Birthday #payitforward

Wil: "Today is my birthday and every year I give away a Nutcracker to kick off the holiday season. This one is for you, Merry Christmas!"
Others: "is it a bomb?" "Why?" "What do I owe you?" "Thank you" "For me?" "You are so sweet, Merry Christmas to you too!" "A Nutcracker? (Squeals) "That's awesome man"
Wil has an amazing nutcracker collection. A few years back a young couple was admiring the nutcrackers at the store and the young hubby said "we can't afford that right now." Wil and I made eye contact and we knew... he stalked them and I hurried to purchase the one they were looking at. Me throwing cash at the cashier and he's texting me from the parking lot. Sprinting to them in their red beat up pick up truck we hand them the nutcracker and say Merry Christmas, pay it forward someday when you can....She cries and he shakes Wil's hand...
So every year we give away a nutcracker on his birthday. This year we thought about giving away 17 for his 17th birthday but some wonderful teachers at school collected 50! So we donated lots to the kids at the cancer center and between several stops to puke he handed out nutcrackers to strangers (Including four different little boys) who were overjoyed with the Christmas spirit.
Thank you to the amazing teachers (friends, especially Nikkole Briggs who organized this awesome surprise) who made Wil's day AMAZING and gave him (and me) so many memories!!! I can not express how grateful the people who were on the receiving end were of these precious gifts. #payitforward #wilswarriors #wilwins

More nutcracker pictures


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