Kristen is heading back to Mizzou tomorrow, we had a great break together. She has a great job in the ER and will spend the rest of her break working.
Kate got out of her boot yesterday and is in a brace. She is cleared for light exercise (bike/swimming), she will start gearing up for her spring soccer schedule.
Wil is going to school tomorrow! His numbers are still all over the place and he is fighting a bit of a cold, but the past week he has felt the best he has felt in over 3 months! It is nice to see him smile and talk about the future, wanting to get back to Soccer. He is still fighting typical chemo crap, tired, headaches (low on blood), and intense bone pain, but he is a warrior. The doc will spend the next 70 days or so figuring out the best combo of chemo to keep his ANC low enough to not allow any new leukemia cells to grow, but not so low that he is unable to fight of infections. Germs are still going to be his biggest enemy. He takes daily MP6 chemo pills, weekly high doses of methotrexate chemo, and will do steroid pulses several weeks, weekly clinic visits, and hospital chemo every 3 weeks. Sounds like a lot when I type it out but it is SO MUCH easier than the past 8 months.
We are all ready our new normal in 2018. My #oneword this year is “next” and I’m sure no matter what meaning I apply to it 2018 will reveal its own meaning! I’m looking forward to what is next!
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