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Wil's Wonderings on Wednesday 2.7.18

When Wil was 8 he started a blog. It was called Wonder Wil...he thought it was a clever play on words since he could post things he was wondering about plus it sounded like a cool super hero name. I figure I am going to honor this by committing to update this blog on Wil at least every Wednesday! Life has gotten busier for me with work, so having a goal of giving an update on Wil every Wednesday seems like a good plan for me. #OurNewNormal

Wil had a visit to the Cardinals Kids Cancer Center on Tuesday. Thanks to Big Grandpa and Grandma Doris for taking him. It really takes a village. No matter how many things have to be accomplished there are always people willing to run Wil places, pick up prescriptions, or just hangout with the boy (even when he is puking).
Wil's numbers are still all over the place. Just having a hard time knowing what is going on with White blood he fighting an infection? is the chemo doing its job? I know the doc is working on figuring it all out.
It is hard to watch him puke so many times every morning. We are trying new things every week, but it really is a struggle. He puked 3 times yesterday, but still went to school in the afternoon. It isn't any wonder that he gets sick...he takes pills 3-4 times a day, here are his pills from last night...
Wil and Chris both got a crash course on Medicine since I will be out of town. It is routine for me now, but explaining it to someone else is complicated!

Headaches and leg cramps have also been a big issue, but wondering if that has to more with him starting to do light exercise. He has been doing light exercise and boy has it been a struggle, but he is a beast! He has been swimming about 6 times so far and HE SWAM A MILE on Sunday, 66 laps! I am so excited for him!

I never posted this pic of Wil and three of his four nurses. He brought back signed Cardinals hats for them from the fantasy camp. Nurses really are your life line when you are fighting leukemia! Yes it is their job, but they never tire of listening to Wil's stories.

And I did get my pictures put together in an album from the Cardinals camp. Just waiting on the professional shots. 

On Friday Lindbergh girls and boys basketball had their Coaches vs Cancer basketball game. Wil had a GREAT time. We both LOVE basketball and watching so many of his teammates have great games was such a moral boost! I can not say enough good things about Coach Wolfard and all his efforts towards raising awareness for all cancers as well as ALWAYS making sure Wil is included! 

The girls team also honored a parent of a player who is fighting her own battle, her daughter is a good friend of Wil's. "No one fights alone" is SOOOOO true. Always sending prayers and positive vibes their way!

We are touched by so many amazing people who are there for us. We had two "Angels" visit us this week. Coach Dan and Coach Brian influenced Kate's soccer career as well as her ability to cope with the pressures of being an athlete. She took those lessons to heart and I could never adequately express my gratitude to them for sharing themselves with our family. They resurrected the Angels Super Bowl squares and shared with Wil. 

February 4th was World Cancer day. Being a cancer mom I never realized how much of your life becomes consumed by other people's cancer struggles. The heartache is indescribable as I daily read updates on children I have grown to love and care about, every part of kids cancer SUCKS, every. part. 

And then there are the little ones who lose their battle with cancer #TeamLeoForever #TeamBrett #lovelikeahaun #Grant, although anyone who fights is NEVER a loser (that is a post for another day). I am amazed by the strength and love their parents share even after the loss of their child.

Some readings that have touched my life this week...ok I have insomnia so if you need some tears or inspiration or just encouragement to get outta these:

Click HERE to be inspired by cancer kiddos to be a better person.
"There are 7 simple take aways (well, eight if you count "eat ice cream"): Be kind. Read more books. Spend time with your family. Crack jokes. Go to the beach. Hug your dog. Tell that special person you love them."

This book describles how a dad survived cancer only to lose his son to childhood cancer. These brave moms and dads struggling daily for a reason to keep living. I love all the parents who share so much of themselves, while also respecting those who share nothing. Every cancer is different, every family is different there is no right or wrong way to traverse this landscape. 
"I lost my left eye at the age of two to cancer......None of these broad experiences prepared me for the asperous path of leading my son, Jasper, through cancer treatment. This is a story of how my heart broke completely, how I'm now left trying to answer the unanswerable, and how I'm searching for the reasons to keep living."

And a last PLEA to raise funding for CHILDHOOD CANCER research. Thanks for all who read this far, I appreciate your love and light and amazing support as Wil continues his fight against Leukemia. 

Written by Liz (parent of a childhood cancer angel):
I am sharing this post I wrote in 2014. I don’t know what the statistics are for the 2018 super bowl, but the sentiment is the same.
Childhood cancer still needs funding. A considerable increase to save children’s lives. And it’s February...I miss my girl.
Feb 1, 2014:
"This mom's thoughts regarding the Super Bowl...and I'm not trying to ruin anyone's day... but some things don't make sense.
*The FAA expects over 1,200 PRIVATE jets will fly into NY this weekend for the big game.
*Suites for the game are sold out at approximately $500,000 each.
*The cheapest seats run approximately $1,200 and many seats cost much more than that.
*Companies will pay $4 Million for a 30 second ad...and many companies will pay that price many times over during the game.
*The NFL commissioner was paid $29.5 Million in 2011.
*The NFL is a "nonprofit" organization - classified as a 501(c)(6) and entitled to tax breaks/subsidies.
Meanwhile, I just got off the couch from explaining to Amanda that we have to go back to radiation tomorrow and have them make her a new mask. There is no cure for her cancer. There is not enough funding for it. Not even in the "funded" world of cancer. In 2012, the National Cancer Institute spent only 4% of it's budget ($208 Million annually) on childhood cancers.
$208 million spent annually on childhood cancer... $220 million spent on Super Bowl advertisements for things like Doritos and beer over three hours.
If only we had the kind of money invested in childhood cancer research that the NFL makes in one day.
Just my thoughts. Carry on. And pass the guacamole."


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