Facebook post: Day 13/14- Rough day yesterday. A routine check in (is there such a thing with cancer?) ended up being a 7 hour stay. Wil needed more platelets and two blood transfusions. Hemoglobin was 7 and platelets were 7. White blood cells were 1. Extras thanks to the nurses who stayed 3 hours after their shift so he didn't have to be admitted 😍 . He had a restless night, super sweaty. Having a hard time regulating his body temperature with the chemo. Having a much better day today! He is down 22 pounds, but his appetite is back today with a vengeance (guess actually having blood does that to you :) , can't keep enough meat in front of him. The doctor did say you can donate platelets specifically for him, you just have to give his name and say he is being treated at the Cardinals Children's Cancer center at St John's Mercy in St Louis, MO. If he doesn't use them they will be released to general population. Wil's warriors the past 24 hours (seriou...